Forum Fremdsprachen English Words of Wisdom

English Words of Wisdom


RE: Words of Wisdom
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf Pan vom 24.10.2023, 09:46:43
 It amazes me. You speak of "words of wisdom."
Who then gave you the enlightenment that it is indeed "wisdom"
that you find there? Every subject in the world has a subject
diametrically opposed to it! Name me a single person who would
be wise. I would pay homage to him like a god!

Well dear Pan
Those are discouraging words you wrote there.
Would you prefer that we stop putting in here those words that we feel we l could learn something of.
It is only humble me and a very few other ones here who like those words, we like to call words of wisdom.
Can I suggest! You search for your god, whom you could pay homage to, somewhere else,
Bless You!
We few others carry on putting inhere those words we like to call humbly WISDOM

RE: Words of Wisdom
geschrieben von yoli
 Dear Malinka
I love your choice of words and ideas. Thank for being active here.
I don’t feel too well at the moment and therefore I feel lazy :-)
We will be away from the 6th of Nov. till 28th.
It would be great if this threat does not go to sleep in that time.
Take care
Love Yoli

RE: Words of Wisdom
geschrieben von Globetrotter
als Antwort auf yoli vom 25.10.2023, 14:01:33

well and wise said @yoli  - keep on writing



RE: Words of Wisdom
geschrieben von Malinka

Grief is like the ocean
It comes in waves
Ebbing and flowing
Sometimes the water is calm
And sometimes it is overwhelming
All we can do is learn to swim


RE: Words of Wisdom
geschrieben von Lhiannon
als Antwort auf yoli vom 05.06.2023, 18:22:48

many years ago I read that this was found on the wall of a building in South Africa. Anyway, no matter who originally wrote this, that is a valid point.

The end was a bit different: "And you have the nerve to call me colored"


RE: Words of Wisdom
geschrieben von Lhiannon

Hope is a bird with colorful wings, Dancing in wind, no matter what life brings. It sings in the heart, quiet and deep, Promising sun when shadows creep.



RE: Words of Wisdom
geschrieben von yoli
The end was a bit different: "And you have the nerve to call me colored"

Yes Yes Yes, I have the whole writing. If I find it I will put in in.
Greetings  Lhiannon


RE: Words of Wisdom
geschrieben von Malinka

"Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but - I hope - into a better shape."
By Charles Dickens, Great Expectations


RE: Words of Wisdom
geschrieben von skys
The story of the hummingbird as told by Wangari Maathai to children
We are constantly being bombarded by problems that we face and sometimes we can get completely overwhelmed.
The story of the hummingbird is about this huge forest being consumed by a fire. All the animals in the forest come out and they are transfixed as they watch the forest burning and they feel very overwhelmed, very powerless, except this little hummingbird. It says, "I’m going to do something about the fire!"
So it flies to the nearest stream and takes a drop of water. It puts it on the fire, and goes up and down, up and down, up and down, as fast as it can. In the meantime all the other animals, much bigger animals like the elephant with a big trunk that could bring much more water, they are standing there helpless.

And they are saying to the hummingbird, "What do you think you can do? You are too little. This fire is too big. Your wings are too little and your beak is so small that you can only bring a small drop of water at a time."
But as they continue to discourage it, it turns to them without wasting any time and it tells them "I am doing the best I can."

The mighty elephant was embarrassed and pumped himself full of water in the river, ran back and started extinguishing as well. There and back as fast as he could.
The other animals did the same - everyone as he could - until they had finally put out the fire.

And that to me is what all of us should do. We should always be like a hummingbird. I may be insignificant, but I certainly don't want to be like the animals watching the planet goes down the drain. I will be a hummingbird, I will do the best I can.

RE: Words of Wisdom
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf skys vom 06.12.2023, 23:32:09
 what a lovely and true story skys. Thank you. Lets all do what we are able to do...always.
Geetings from the heart
